Maori Tribal Rule by 2040

Some people in New Zealand are attempting to subvert our rights and political system in order to take control of the country by the 200th anniversary of the Treaty of Waitangi in 2040. This is known as a coup and amounts to treason. The method: lies about the Treaty of Waitangi and changing New Zealand history to suit their agenda.

The 2023 election made a change in government, but it will remain to be seen if they keep their pre-election promises to reverse the tide of racial division and special privilege for maori.

Our future is looking bleak as maori take over with tribal rule and free speech is abandoned. We have seen what some maori think of free speech in the way they have treated anyone who says anything opposing the undemocratic co-governance agenda. Labelling people as racist for prompting equal rights for ALL 160 racial groups in New Zealand (no matter when your ancestors got here or where they came from). The people behind this take-over don't want you to know what's going on so no one opposes their plans for dominance.

The kiwi "she'll be right" attitude has lulled New Zealanders into a false sense of security. Political correctness and wokeness are destroying our concept of right and wrong. The conspiring forces of evil use these methods to brainwash the rising generation so they are groomed ready for the takeover. The Maorification of New Zealand is well under way and has been steadily growing momentum for over 40 years. You stand to lose your rights and freedoms. What will you do to stop them??

See what the mainstream media will not tell you (because the previous Labour government would not permit them to through the Public Interest Journalism Fund payouts). Read the links below and make your voice heard so co-governance is seen for what it is and it is stopped. Tell everyone you know because knowledge is power. You cannot fight against what you don't understand.

Maori Ceded Sovereignty

Maori activists and their woke supporters lie about Te Tiriti o Waitangi so they can line their pockets. Maori ceded sovereignty to the Queen - here are the many historical proofs. Read the truth.

David Seymour Explains

Maori activists spread lies and misinformation about the proposed Treaty Principles Bill to gain supporters for their treason movement. Hear the truth directly from David Seymour - who proposed the bill - as to what it is for.

Maori Treason Increasing

With Maori wanting to take over New Zealand by 2040, civil disobedience and eventually civil war, is inevitable. What will you do to protect your family, your country and democracy?

You Are Being Lied To

Read how those planning to take over the country use psychological tools to con you into believing their lies.

Beaches Being Stolen

All our beaches and marine coastlines are being claimed by maori groups who will restrict access and impose costs and fines.

No Secret

Te Parti Maori has made their intentions very clear. Do you want tribal rule?

Radical Maori Plans

Outline about how the take-over of New Zealand will take place. Will you let this happen?

Govt Sponsored Treason

Successive NZ governments have worked with maori leaders to implement their treasonous plans.

He Puapua

The He Puapua report is a warning of a ‘breaking wave’ revolution, a complete transformation to a government divided between a tribal elite and a subservient majority of hard working New Zealanders. Background information here.

This Is Serious

Our country will be destroyed if co-governance is permitted to continue. Bye bye to New Zealand society. Back to pre-colonisation stone age society under maori tribal rule.

For Maori Only

Race based special treatment rather than treatment based on need. You won't believe what's in this report.

Woke Lies

Read here what one woke left leaning reporter said about the Treaty. And read the response to their ignorant claims.

Helping Maori The Most

This profound document has to be the best description of how Maori can restore their mana that I have ever seen.

Anti Co-Governance

Read the progress of those fighting against co-governance on the Stop Co-Governance blog.

Party Views

Have a look at which political parties support or reject co-governance on this website.

Free Speech

Many are trying to keep our freedom of speech. Sign up to get updates on their campaign progress.

Read The Narrative

This is the booklet which has gained so much negative media attention on why co-governance must be stopped. 

Have Your Say

Tell the politicians what you think about their plans to sell out to the maoris. Here are your candidates. 

Grooming Our Children

Our schools are being used to brainwash our children with lies to prepare them for moari tribal rule. 

Water Just The Start

See a flow diagram of how the new water legislation is designed to give all of New Zealand to the maoris. 

Invercargill Meeting

View the live streamed meeting in Invercargill with Mayor Nobby Clark in attendance. 

Media Control

How the government is controlling how co-governance is portrayed in the media through pay-offs. 

How The Plan Works

This short video breaks down how the take-over is engineered. Quite a mind opener.

New Zealand Apartheid

Division of power and privilege based on race in New Zealand amounts to an Apartheid system. Read this article.

What Partnership?

The Treaty of Waitangi has no reference to "partnership" and Maori ceded sovereignty to the crown in 1840. Find out why they chose it over the alternatives.

All our families are in danger.
Warn everyone you know!!

KERRS.XYZ © 2023 Andrew Kerr – Updated 28 Jan 2024